The Chocolate Fountain is a Hit!
Tonight we finally got a big enough group together to try out the chocolate fountain. I filled it up and everyone was standing there drooling waiting for it to be ready. I was quite surprised how much chocolate we used up, but we were all trying different things and being creative. I know I had more than my share, but I had to try everything that everyone brought to dip in the chocolate. We tried the dark Belgian chocolate tonight and it was absolutely incredible! And believe it or not, I resisted the urge to start dipping right away so I could snap a few pictures first. Before I took it apart and cleaned it, we got even more creative trying to use up some of the chocolate. I thought of some more items I absolutely have to try next time. And of course we still have to try the milk chocolate and the white chocolate!I also learned in the last day or so that they say that dark chocolate is good for you. It contains lots of anti-oxidants and is good for you. A quote from, "Eating 2 ounces (50 grams) a day of plain chocolate with a minimum content of 70% chocolate solids can be beneficial to health, providing protection against heart disease, high blood pressure, and many other health hazards as well as essential trace elements and nutrients such as iron, calcium and potassium, and vitamins A. B1, C, D, and E and it's a lot tastier than boring old vitamin pills too. A 1 1/2-ounce square of chocolate may have as many cancer-fighting antioxidants as a five-ounce glass of red wine."Additionally, I contacted an owner of a company that does over $1 million dollars in sales a year about marketing our custom chocolates and they are interested in selling the finished product to their customers.
Custom Chocolates
Some new excitement came today as I discussed ideas with the custom chocolate mold guy. We had exchanged very brief emails, but today he actually called and I think it was mainly because he took a peek at the web site I am building for the Atlanta Chocolate Company. One of my wishes came true today. I wanted to have Atlanta Chocolate Company Chocolate Bars (custom molds) for samples, promos, etc. and he must have thought that was a great idea because we discussed designing the graphic for the bars and I found out that I can work creatively to design bars for people. So that is very exciting. I started thinking of all the different things we could do with this.
The chocolate fountain is here, but I haven't had the opportunity to use it yet because I have to fill it with lots of chocolate to make it I need a decently sized group of people to do I will have to wait a little bit longer to test it out.
Awaiting the Chocolate Fountain.....purpose of this blog...
Hi,My name is Sheri.......and I have a new fascination with Chocolate Fondue much of a fascination that I have decided to do a little add-on business or service if you will to my husband's already existing DJ business here in the Atlanta, GA area.I thought my fountain was going to be delivered today..........but FedEx didn't bring it we will have to wait and see when it gets here. So I impatiently wait for arrival of the chocolate fountain.I can't wait until I get to see the fun that people have using the fountain and dipping all kinds of yummy goodies into the melted chocolate. I have a feeling I will enjoy watching them as much as they will enjoy eating their fondue creations.I look forward to sharing more with you on this.